Tips To Help Save 4/20 From 2020

  • Editor's Choice
  • |
  • APR 10, 2020

In a year where literally everything has come to a standstill and everything we took for granted was snatched out from under our unassuming legs, there is one thing we won't give up; not today and not to 2020. You may have taken our sports and our sports legends. You may have padlocked our favorite spots and wiped our shelves clean of sanitizer. But you can never take 4/20 from us.

The international day of celebration for all who partake in the indulgence of marijuana. While usually it's a day of congregation and community, this year will undoubtedly be a little different. For one, there won't be any large clouds of cannabis wafting through downtown cores, and two, there most definitely will not be any puff puff pass.

But just because you can't pass the weed to your pals doesn't mean you'll have to take a pass on the day altogether. No friends, we must persevere and preserve the sacred day. It's tough, we know, but to help you out, we've put together a quick little list of items that might just make saving 4/20 on your own a tad bit more chill.

  1. First, let's start off with the basics.

    A good grinder goes a long way. If this BB8 grinder is anything like the astromech he's based on, you really can't do any better. Plus, when you aren't breaking up any herbs, you get to have an innocuous little robot friend sitting right on top of your table with no disapproving Deborahs the wiser.

  2. If BB8 isn't really your style, you can't go wrong with a Dragon Ball. And no, you don't need to collect all seven to use it's powers.

  3. Forget your lighter again? It happens. That's why you keep a trusty lighter on your wrist for when eventuality strikes. Now, you'll be able to not only light up on the 20th, but you'll know exactly when 4:20 hits as well. Now that's form and function.

  4. If it works for a cigarette, it can work for a joint. You aren't going to pass it anyways, so might as well just shove it in the ring and be on your merry way to wherever your mind wanders.

  5. If a spliff isn't really your preferred route and you're looking for a little more, shall we say intensity, there's no better option than an all-out facial of fumes. Think about it as a bong with no escape. Actually, who knows, if you get the CDC to rate this mask, you might just be able to wander around town on 4/20. Not that you'll get far.

  6. So now you're high. Great. But you're also hungry. Not Great. But wait, there's more (cliché, but it works).

    Don't just ignore the burning desire for munchies. The rotating pizza oven does more than just warm up your leftover pizza. Fill it with all sorts of finger foods and let it bake for you while you get baked yourself. It's safe, effective, and most importantly, it's easy.

  7. If you're looking for a more cultured experience but aren't a very cultured person, don't fret. The sushi maker does all the hard work for you so that you can just munch away at the endless line of California rolls.

  8. Two key words here: express and bacon. Crispy pork goodness that you don't need to wait for. Screw it, this doesn't have to wait till 4/20.

  9. Dunking cookies sober is already a task. If you've managed to dunk your cookies without losing a couple, we're calling the feds, because you're a liar. It's not possible, it wasn't meant to be, until we found this. It's so simple, you don't even need to have all your wits about you to use it.

  10. You're stoned, your fed, but now you're bored. Fear not ganja gang, there's a world of activities to explore when you're high. Just talk to yourself and see what you come up with. Caution, yes there are such things as stupid ideas.

    On second thought, maybe it's safer to just play a few rounds of Drunk, Stoned, or Stupid. If you don't have housemates, get crafty with your smartphones and see what kind of game night you can scramble together. One thing's for sure, it most definitely won't be a dull night.

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