One Of These Gifts Is Bound To Work On Father's Day

  • Editor's Choice
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  • MAY 22, 2020

We all put more effort into Mother's Day than we do for Father's Day. It's sad, but true. Nothing against the old man or anything, but for some reason, we've all just had it ingrained in our heads that we need to get mom something really nice on her dedicated day. Dad? He'll be happy we made him a little hard and gave him a tight hug, right? Wrong. Dads have needs too.

That there is the very essence of all you'll need to understand about your pops to get him a gift he will cherish more than your existence. Get your dad something he can use and your set. Sure, a card is nice, but apart from helping start the campfire, it doesn't have much value.

Show your dad you really care with something that not only has a lot of thought behind it, but a whole lot of use as well.

  1. Help dad finish off his never-ending basement project with the creme de la creme of home projectors. The compact project subtly displays your favorite films, and is never interrupted by your pesky sibling going to the bathroom in the middle of the movie for the umpteenth time.

  2. Being a hip, cool dad comes with its inherent dangers. For one, they'll probably do something completely irrational, like try and use modern slang, or they'll do the typical mid-life crisis move and buy a bike. While that somewhat sounds great on paper, bikes are extremely dangerous, especially for a man who can barely get off the couch without calling for the Lord. Embrace him, not only with your love, but the protection of a safe yet still cool leather jacket, that doubles as an airbag. This is one gift you wish he never actually uses but he'd still love to have.

  3. With great age comes greater expectations for greater barbeque. To help your dad meet these expectations at his great age, gift him this at-home steak ager. Before you know it, you'll be having restaurant quality meals on a random Tuesday when he's feeling bored.

  4. This just goes without saying. Like really, if we have to explain why this would be a good gift for your dad, than do you even know the man at all?

  5. Here's the uncomfortable truth, kids. Your dad has already experimented with all the drugs that you're hiding away from him under your bed. Yes, he knows it's there too. Unfortunately, with age and this thing people like to parade around called maturity, your father forgot his past ways and stuck to more traditional methods of stress and pain-relief. And that's why he's always stressed and in pain. While he may not be open to diving back into the deep end of this exploratory past, he may still be keen to try more creative applications of a little well-known leaf.

  6. Golf is an expensive sport, so evidently, it is very costly to buy golf-related gifts. At least, that was the case until you got absolutely crafty and came to Living Sharp to find some super cool gift ideas that effortlessly make you the favorite in the house. And one of those gifts just happens to be the vent golf cup that lets dad practice his abysmal putting and doesn't send mom on a rampage.

  7. We'd be lying if we tried to pitch this as just a gift for your dad. We know you're eyeing this puppy for yourself but you're never getting away with a purchase like this without a just reason. And like always, dad is there to save the day. The beauty of it is, he'll love the gift, and you'll get a sports buggy to hoon about in when he's taking his daily nap.

  8. Nothing beats nostalgia when it comes to getting the best gift. Realistically, he won't actually use the Etch-A-Sketch as it's likely to bring back some very dark memories of horribly drawn lines of something that never came to be. So, instead of wasting money on a dust-collecting piece of clutter, go with the world's smallest Etch-A-Sketch that perfectly plays the sentiment card, and is miniscule enough to be tucked away somewhere and never bother anyone ever again.

    We would say you could draw a little heart or write "Dad" before you give it to him, but why cause yourself the unnecessary struggle that'll inevitably end in you breaking the thing before it fulfills its purpose.

  9. When all else fails, ultra-utilitarian is always the answer. It's the things he absolutely needs but would never actually get around to buying, himself, because he's been making do without it for so long. Even though he knows he wants it and it'll make his life better, he just won't do it. And that is where you pull the trigger for him, and alleviate all his woes.

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